Instagram Cool Tips and Tricks - That You Don't Know

 Instagram Cool Tips and Tricks - That you don't Know... 😱

Hello guys,  I am here to tell the cool tips and tricks about Instagram that you don't know most off. Here is some cool tips and tricks that you actually know about so you are easier to use Instagram and it's look cool. 
Instagram Cool Tips and Tricks
Instagram Tips And Tricks

1.Vanish Mode :- 

 Most off us don't know about this mode. This mode is develop for clear chat after you are switch off the chat. In this Mode all chat are clear with other person (including opposite person also) that you chat in vanish mode. Just like snapchat, So how to active it. To active it..
  1.Open Instagram > tap on chat > and select profile > in which you you active this mode.
  2. Now touch you and hold finger.
  3.Than swipe finger to up. And active vanish mode.
  4. After you back from this profile automatically clear chat.
  5.If you want deactivate than touch and hold finger and swipe up.

2.Download Reels, story and post :-

To download Story and reels you most off us use the third party app. And its install in our phone. But now you can download story and reels without login into the any third party app. If the publisher account is public than its possible. 
 1.Open Instagram > and go to the reels and story you want to store.
 2.Than copy link by click on three dot.
 3.Than go to any browser in your device and search >
 4. Paste link on this website and download it.
 5. you are also download profile picture of account.

3. Hide particular profile comment on your post:-

To hide any one comment on your post than simply follow this step
 1.Open Instagram > and go to the profile whose comment you want hide.
 2. Tap on the three dot > which is generally place at top right corner.
 3. Tap on the restrict > now his/her comment on your post is hide. Only you and he/she see it.

4.Secertly See story:-

 If you want see other story without tell them that I am see your story then simply do this.
 1.Simply first go and see his/her story.
 2.Than block him/her for 24 hour. 
   If he/she only upload  a photo on his/her story the simply do this
 1. Tap on next or previous story of the other profile.
 2. Than touch and hold finger. 
 3. According which story you tap swipe right or left like that both profile story view at a time and see it and simply back .

5. Hide your activity status (Green dot):-

 Some times you want to hide your activity that you are online or not to other people. Than you simply do this.
 1.Open Instagram > tap on your Profile >. 
 2.Tap on three lines > on top right corner. 
 3. tap on setting > than tap on Privacy >.
 4. Tap on Activity Status > and turn off the Show Activity Status>.

That's all for about the Instagram tips and tricks. I am not tell you a basic tips because I know you are all aware about. And yes this information is useful to you and after the update of Instagram it possible to change in this features. I hope you get some information from this post.

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